Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Cross Media Evaluation

The tv text and film i have chosen is the Spider-man TV series and its movie. These both films obviously have a link and the theme of both the tv text and film is animation comic/superhero.

TV Series:

The opening credits of Spider-Man (TV Series) starts of with a web filling up on the screen, because it is called 'Spider-man' it would make sense to start it off this way right off the bat this immediately goes to a scene showing the man himself web swinging through the sky scrapers of New York. Being the tagline of Spider-Man "With great power, comes great responsibility" we see an enemy of his attacking him, this then does a close up of his face showing that he's rising up to the challenge, plus there is added thunder to make it all seem so dramatic. From viewing the opening sequence we can see the animated series is targetted at a younger audience despite the fact that there is somewhat constant violence as various villans make attempts to eliminate spider-man. We don't only see him in his constume as the character is seen in the flesh, first taking a picture without a costume, then with a costume, this shows that he leads a double life.

The institution that made this tv series was Marvel Productions who also made other tv animated series.

There was also the movie released with two sequels following that. It was produced by Columbia Pictures.
Plus there was even a radio show called Spider-Man: From Beyond The Grave (1972).


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